This specific assignment has three parts. The first part, is a combination of eight images to portray a specific color. For my photos, the color I chose to show was the green of leaves. To make the collage more of a set of pictures, I shot only leaves and not other objects. By doing this, I feel that it makes the whole image have a point or main idea, which is leaves. The second part is a combination of four photos to portray a time of day through the color of light. In my array of shots, I chose to photograph a front door as the sun was setting. By doing this, I was able to capture blue light from the darkening sky, and the yellow tints from the setting sun. However, I used eight photos, opposed to four to add a bit more to my finished product. The last part of the assignment was to take a single shot that creates a specific feeling to the onlooker. I shot a photo of the sun rising in the morning, which gives the window a red-orange glow to it. When I look that this picture, I feel warm, as the sun rises. I hope the people that see this image do too.
For the depth of field and focus, I am going to specifically speak upon my part three of this rather large assignment. In the photo of the sun rising with the light fixture. For the DOF for this picture, it is a very shallow depth of field. To allow the background to be more blurry, the depth of field must be shallow. Also the focus plays a large role in this shot. As a matter of fact, there was so much focus upon the fixture and the background window, that I was forced to blur the window a bit on Photoshop to get rid of a few tiny bits of dirt and dust upon the window.
The exposure in this photo has to be high. If the exposure was not as high as it is, the sun would have less of an effect on the shot. When I look at this picture, personally, my eyes go directly to the sun in the upper right. For this to not have a dull look to it, the exposure must be higher than usual. Also, the light fixture is somewhat silhouette, because of the background lighting. Well, I do not want to give too much of this away, because I will need something to talk about for the lighting portion of this entry haha. The exposure of the picture is also easily adjusted on Photoshop.
Lighting in this picture, in my opinion, is the second most important aspect of the shot (first being color of course). I believe that this specific lighting is really a major contributing factor of the feeling in the photograph. The natural light of the sun assists in the color of the lighting. Also, because the light is coming in through the window towards the light fixture, again, it creates a more silhouette image. The type of lighting that is showed is called backlighting. This is where the sun is in front of the photographer, coming directly at the camera. The backlighting, i believe, gave this photo a very unique and cool look to it.
Again, the lines in this image are somewhat limited. Although they are not straight, the lighting fixture has a few dark rod iron lines, that contrast nicely with the sunlight from behind the window. Also the actual lines from the window itself, frame the lighting. If you notice, all of the space beyond the rim of the window is completely black. The lines from around the window draw the audiences eyes into the main two subjects of the shot, being the sun and fixture. Even thought they do not play huge roles, the lines in the picture are extremely important to the composition of the photo.
The moment we’ve all been waiting for...color! The entire main purpose of this assignment was to properly display color. I absolutely love the color of this picture. The large array of oranges, and shades or red and yellow allow the audience to guess the time of day. I shot this image early in the morning, to allow this tine of the sun to come through in my shot. Switching gears here to the first portion of the assignment. For this image, the concept was green, and the theme was green. I loved being able to work with the different shades of the different leaves. To achieve such bold colors, I carefully places a flashlight behind the subjects, and photographed each one individually. For the second part of the assignment (four pictures), I photographed a front door, looking out towards the sun setting. From this type of color, it also allows the audience to be able to guess the time of day. The blue shades in this picture suggest sunset. I learned form these assignments the importance of color, and the ties they have in a photo to an onlookers mood. I loved these colors!
For the first part of this assignment because there are a total of eight photos, it is difficult to mention each and every one of the composition elements. Some apply to the rules of thirds, as to some of the shots from the second part of the assignment. Lines are also extremely important in each of the photos from the second part. Most of the entire shots from the second part include only lines and the color from the background lighting.The third part of this assignments composition, the rules of thirds apply. There are really two subjects in this shot, the sun and the light fixture. Both of these things show up in the right side of this picture, and the sun in the upper right. Again, I loved this assignment.
For the depth of field and focus, I am going to specifically speak upon my part three of this rather large assignment. In the photo of the sun rising with the light fixture. For the DOF for this picture, it is a very shallow depth of field. To allow the background to be more blurry, the depth of field must be shallow. Also the focus plays a large role in this shot. As a matter of fact, there was so much focus upon the fixture and the background window, that I was forced to blur the window a bit on Photoshop to get rid of a few tiny bits of dirt and dust upon the window.
The exposure in this photo has to be high. If the exposure was not as high as it is, the sun would have less of an effect on the shot. When I look at this picture, personally, my eyes go directly to the sun in the upper right. For this to not have a dull look to it, the exposure must be higher than usual. Also, the light fixture is somewhat silhouette, because of the background lighting. Well, I do not want to give too much of this away, because I will need something to talk about for the lighting portion of this entry haha. The exposure of the picture is also easily adjusted on Photoshop.
Lighting in this picture, in my opinion, is the second most important aspect of the shot (first being color of course). I believe that this specific lighting is really a major contributing factor of the feeling in the photograph. The natural light of the sun assists in the color of the lighting. Also, because the light is coming in through the window towards the light fixture, again, it creates a more silhouette image. The type of lighting that is showed is called backlighting. This is where the sun is in front of the photographer, coming directly at the camera. The backlighting, i believe, gave this photo a very unique and cool look to it.
Again, the lines in this image are somewhat limited. Although they are not straight, the lighting fixture has a few dark rod iron lines, that contrast nicely with the sunlight from behind the window. Also the actual lines from the window itself, frame the lighting. If you notice, all of the space beyond the rim of the window is completely black. The lines from around the window draw the audiences eyes into the main two subjects of the shot, being the sun and fixture. Even thought they do not play huge roles, the lines in the picture are extremely important to the composition of the photo.
The moment we’ve all been waiting for...color! The entire main purpose of this assignment was to properly display color. I absolutely love the color of this picture. The large array of oranges, and shades or red and yellow allow the audience to guess the time of day. I shot this image early in the morning, to allow this tine of the sun to come through in my shot. Switching gears here to the first portion of the assignment. For this image, the concept was green, and the theme was green. I loved being able to work with the different shades of the different leaves. To achieve such bold colors, I carefully places a flashlight behind the subjects, and photographed each one individually. For the second part of the assignment (four pictures), I photographed a front door, looking out towards the sun setting. From this type of color, it also allows the audience to be able to guess the time of day. The blue shades in this picture suggest sunset. I learned form these assignments the importance of color, and the ties they have in a photo to an onlookers mood. I loved these colors!
For the first part of this assignment because there are a total of eight photos, it is difficult to mention each and every one of the composition elements. Some apply to the rules of thirds, as to some of the shots from the second part of the assignment. Lines are also extremely important in each of the photos from the second part. Most of the entire shots from the second part include only lines and the color from the background lighting.The third part of this assignments composition, the rules of thirds apply. There are really two subjects in this shot, the sun and the light fixture. Both of these things show up in the right side of this picture, and the sun in the upper right. Again, I loved this assignment.
My comment is for the second photo.
ReplyDeleteThis is honestly beautiful. I love the feel of it. The web on the top of the light fixture and the stone in the background gives off an almost medieval-sunset kind of atmosphere. The colors are perfect for the environment surrounding the subject. I also like that the photo is very detailed, allowing for rougher edges and more detail.
The only thing that I honestly dislike about this photograph is the way it's cropped. I think that there would be a much stronger presence if it was taken at either a very wide angle horizontally or vertically. The squareness of the crop makes it very plain. I personally would have done it vertically, and added more of a stretch at the top, and then cropped in on the left to avoid the little bit of sun flare along the edge.