Wednesday, October 5, 2011

HDR Assignment

     For this picture, to be able to by pleasing to the eye, it had to have a shallow depth of field. The focus in this shot is on the rose. Because of the depth of field, the black background would be out of ficus if the paper was not in place. The focus in this shot is directed towards the flower, allowing the maximum amount of detail to really present itself in the frame. For this picture, the image was shot as a sort of "portrait" for the flower, giving a sharp focus on the subject.
     This picture, unlike others, has a specific part of the photo where the exposure is higher. To allow this picture to have a high exposure behind the flower, I carefully placed a flashlight behind the subject to capture the light. I did not shoot this picture automatically, which meant that I had to open my shutter for a longer period of time for all the light needed to come through the camera. As you can see, to the right of the rose, that extra space is dark, because of the limited amount of light that was presented there. I also shot in a dark room so that no access light could effect the shot. It was also made possible by Photoshop to improve the exposure if needed.
    Again, the exposure of the picture has a lot to do with the lighting in my picture. To reiterate, I used a flash light in the background to capture a different and more interesting lighting technique. I shot indoors so there was no natural light to have in the picture. I really enjoyed playing with lighting to make the picture the way that I wanted it. I believe it is a very simple and easy thing to do at home. And cheap too!
     The lines in this picture arelimited. In fat, there are really hardly any. However, the lines from the flashlight created rays that have a very clean line that they make. This line proceeds out fro the left side of the frame, and stops on the right side. By having these lines present, I believe that it really draws your eyes from one side of the photo to the other lower part. Also, the thicker line presents some detail that is on the black paper background.
     In this particular shot, I believe that the color is one of the most important elements. The combination of he shads of yellow, red, and black come together nicely in my own opinion. The red in the flower is also very vibrant, giving it a warm feel. A high amount of contrast is also represented. In the center of the subject, the light from behind the flower makes the petals thin, and it becomes white. I personally love the colors that the flower has. Color is one on my favorite elements to this photo.
     As far as composition goes, the rules of thirds applies to this photo. As you can see, the subject is found on the left plane. It is true that the rule of thirds appeals more to the eye, giving it a more artistic feel. Also, the basic layout in very important to the picture. The entire frame is filled on the left side.  This photo is very balanced with artistic techniques used. I really enjoyed this project.


  1. The depth of field in this image is very well set up. The artist really made the flower the main focus of her whole image. The flower is really eye catching and it makes the overall image look very artistic. I see why this photographer did what she did. Putting all of the focus on the flower was a very good idea and really captivates the whole shot.

    The exposure of this picture is very good as well. The artist helped the over exposed parts of the image come out with the lighting she used. That really helped blend the overall image. The other darkness in this image also helps the under exposed parts of this image. Overall, I think the photographer did a good job making the exposure correct in the camera, so she didn't have to change much in photo shop.

    In this picture, the lighting is behind the subject. This helps catch the eye of the subject because the background of this image is dark. This really helped illuminate her whole image. You can see the light on the subject directly as well as lines. The lighting added a lot of the lines and colors of this image as well. That tells me this photographer really planned this shot out well.

    Without the lighting that she used, this image wouldn't have very good lines. However, once the flashlight was placed behind the subject, lines were created. I think having lines of light in this picture makes it very artistic. Within the flower pedals, there are also some lines which make the picture very detailed and interesting to look at. Lines aren't the main details of this image, but the artist fit them in very nicely.

    I think out of all the elements of this shot, color is the most important. The dark background paired with the red in the flower gave this image a very intense feel to it. I think when people look at it, many emotions will trigger because of how the image was set up. There are also some very subtile yellow shades in the center of the flower which I think gives it a very nice touch. The colors of this image really helps to capture the whole purpose of this image.

    Clearly the rule of thirds applies to this photo. I placing the flower in the left plane of the frame was very smart rather then centering it. This gives the image a very eye catching view. I couldn't quite see this photo being composed any other way. Having the flower on the left plane makes it feel like I'm reading her picture which gives it a nice effect. Overall great image Chelsie.

  2. I think the Depth of field is very nicely done in this image. The flower is the center of the picture and is very clear. The whole image is very sharp and crisp and artistic.I really like how the whole photo is set up and I think the photographer did great job. Keeping all the focus on the flower really makes it pop and stand out as the main and only subject.

    I also think that the photographer did a great job with the exposure. The exposure behind the flower is much greater then it is everywhere else. The side of the image is dark and helps the exposed part of the image stand out. Although it is a big contrast between light and dark it works. All together I think the picture looks great.

    This picture uses back lighting. Meaning the source of light is coming from behind the subject. I think her use of back lighting was a great idea.The lighting here also helped with exposing the lines throughout the image. This really helps the picture look more pleasing to the eye.

    The lines in this image come mostly from the flashlight and the shadows it cast. The shadows and the excess light peeking through add a very artsy feel to the image. As well as the lines from the shadows there is a line created by the light from the flashlight directly. I think the combination of these lines make the whole image look as nice as it does.

    Every part of the image is important, but here I think the color is number one. The intensity here is just amazing. The dark background paired with the bight red flower just pop and look fantastic. I also like how the center of the flower has some subtle yellow in it. That adds yet another level of interest.

    I really like the composition of this image. It is obvious that the rule of thirds was used. The flower is artistically placed on the left side of the image. Had the flower been centered the picture just wouldn't be as nice as it is. The composition is overall great. I rally like this picture, Great Job Chelsie!!

  3. I really like this photo! It caught my eye the first time I looked at it. The Depth of field is perfect. The level of detail of the center of the flower is stunning. I love the negative space beside the flower. It’s almost like the flower is a symbol of hope in a world of despair!! Lol. But on a more serious note, the depth of field is amazing.

    Because this was an HDR picture, I’m sure you didn’t have any trouble with the exposure. The amount of shutter speed and aperture is great for what you were going for. I’m sure it was easy getting the picture just how you wanted it in photoshop. The highlights of the picture are crystal clear and perfect along with the dark parts being really down.

    I can tell you used a form of artificial light, most likely a flash light. But it got the job done. Good white balance too. The way the light is granulated on the floor is really cool. It adds texture and creates a really awesome look. The way that the plant is translucent and allows light to shine through partially adds that much more to the look of the picture.

    The line of lights in and around the flower are really cool. They draw my attention towards the flower. The lines of light by the flower that extend past the frame help unify the picture by throwing a little something in the negative space. That really helps the picture look appealing.

    The color scheme is really vibrant! Red, white, and black all coming together to form a great piece of work. I like the simplicity of this picture color wise. It just goes to show you that you don’t have to have to overdramatic colors to make a great picture. Keeping it simple can work just as well.

    The composition is really good as well. With the flower on the left and the negative space on the right, the rule of thirds is really apparent in this picture. The negative space I would count as an actual subject in this picture because it is an exact opposite of the flower and the light that it, to me, deserves to be counted as an element in the picture. The two sides of the spectrum balance each other out perfectly.

    Overall, this is a wonderful picture. Great job Chelsie!
